Friday, August 27, 2010

Customizing Your User Interface

This article is going to be about customizing the Shaiya User Interface (UI).  It's fairly straight forward and quite easy to do.   I have a labeled screen shot which the numbered items are referring to.  In order for it to fit withough be covered by the blog elements, it is at the bottom.

1. Character Status Window: This is also sometimes referred to as your Portrait.  This shows your current level, your Hit Points (HP), Mana (MP), and Stamina (SP).  It can be grabbed and dragged to anywhere on your screen you would like it to be.

2. Buff/DeBuff Check: This displays the current buffs and debuffs on your character.  It cannot be moved.

3. Target Page: This displays the information related to your current target.  As of Episode 5.2 it not only displays their health, it also displays any buffs and debuffs present on them.  It can be positioned anywhere you would like it.

4. Radar: Also known as Mini Map, can be accessed using the hotkey "V".  It displays your immediate surroundings.  You can click the +/- keys to zoom in or out, or click on the parchment (or press hotkey "M") to pull up a map of the current zone.  On Maps, a yellow dot indicates a quest you can pick up, a blue dot represents a quest you can turn in, and a green dot indicates a party member.

5. Hotkey Bars: Accessed with the Hotkey "P".  These are where you put all of the things you want easy access to.  To put skills on them, open your Skills Menu and drag and drop them to the square of the bar you want them placed in.  To put items in them, drag them from your inventory and drop them in place (note- the bars pull from the location in the inventory, not the item itself so rearranging your inventory can change the bar if you do this.)  You can have up to 2 Hotkey bars visible on your screen at once.  Clicking the + button on the bar will bring the second bar.  They can be switched between horizontal and vertical by clicking the arrow button found on the bar.  The buttons on the first bar are set to be used with the numbers 1-0 on the top of the keyboard while those on the second respond to the numbers on the number pad. These can also be positioned anywhere.

6. Z/X Bar: Also known as a Potions Bar.  You can put potions in here and access them with the "Z" and "X" keys.  Unlike your regular Hotkey Bars, if you run out of potions in a particular spot in your inventory but still have more of the same potion available, it will automatically continue using the same potion until there are none available.  This can be placed anywhere on your screen.

7. Revolver Bar: This is particularly handy.  If there are skills that you routinely use in a certain order, they can be placed in this bar in that order and by using the hotkey "R" they will be used in combat (or buffing).  You can have up to 4 different sets of skills placed upon your Revolver Bar, accessed by either clicking on the number on the bar or hitting Alt1-4 to change which one is present on your screen.  You can have between 3-6 skills on each bar.  To place skills on the bar, click on the "Y" button on the bar and it will open, click the +/- buttons to add or subtract slots, then drag and drop from your menus which skills you want in place.  Click "Y" again to close down.  This can be placed anywhere on your screen.

8. Console: This displays what is happening to you in the game as well as announcements.  It will show which skills you have used, damage you have done or received, items you have acquired or used, quests you have completed and much more.  This cannot be moved, but the size can be altered by hovering on the top or bottom and dragging.

9. Chat Box: This displays all of the chat messages.  As mentioned in an earlier blog, you can select which channels you want to have displayed by clicking on the check mark button.  This cannot be moved, but the size can be altered by hovering on the bottom and dragging.

10. Function Buttons: These provide easy access to Character Menus and other things.  From left to right they control the Item Mall, Character Status, Inventory, Character Skills, Secondary Skills, Quest Information, Community (Guild/Buddy/Block/Party lists), and Options.  This cannot be moved.

11. Experience Bar: This displays in a percentage how far through your level you are.  If you hover over it, you can see how many points have been completed out of how many total there are to complete.  This cannot be moved.

12.  Blessing Bar: This displays how much Blessing your faction currently has.  By hovering over it, you can see what benefits you are currently granted due to the amount of Blessing.  This cannot be moved.

I hope this helps you to set up your screen in a way that is comfortable to you and explains what everything is used for.  Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section or catch me in game!

Happy Hunting!

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